
Get your steampunk stuff featured on our blog for free.

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Get your steampunk stuff featured on our blog for free.

Are you a creator-retailer dealing in Steampunk related artefacts and products? It could be anything, art, fashion, craft supplies. Homemade or commercially produced. As long as it’s steampunk related or similar and you have taken some really good pictures then it goes in.

Sell your steampunk weares or just show off your art.

They don’t even have to be on sale. You can just show off your works of art. But if selling your steampunk creations is your thing then publishing them on our blog can give them an extra boost.

Each blog post published also receives additional exposure on our social media pages.

How do I get my steampunk stuff added to the steampunk stuff shopping blog?

Just send the details about your steampunk created artwork or product, including up to four quality photographs to guestpost@steampunkstuff.co.uk.

What should I include in the email?

Please include details about your steampunk product/artefact. What it is and what it is made of. Any story behind it and what inspired you or the artist to make it. We may ask you further questions about the steampunk artefact/product if we chose to publish it.

Every picture tells a story. Please attach up to four clear photographs showing the subject in good light viewed from different angles to your email. Photos should not include any watermarks or other marking or branding.

If the item is for sale on Etsy, Amazon, or Facebook, or your own website, please include the URL (link) to the selling page.

Please see the special terms below.*

What happens next?

We will review your application and let you know if your entry has been accepted to include in on the steampunk stuff blog. We may want to ask you some more questions. If we do, you can take that as a sign that we like your entry.

All published entries will include credits to yourself and any associated online shops and websites.

*By submitting your entry you agree to the publication of all content included in the email and any additional information given to us on request. Please note, as affiliate partners to Etsy, we already have permission to use any user content from the Etsy websites under the Etsy users agreements.