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Steampunk Heart Watch Movement Necklace.

Steampunk Heart-Shaped Upcycled Watch Movement Necklace.

By MCAStudioOfficial.

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Steampunk Heart-Shaped Upcycled Watch Movement Necklace by MCAStudioOfficial.
Steampunk Heart-Shaped Upcycled Watch Movement Necklace by MCAStudioOfficial.

The Steampunk Heart Watch Movement Necklace is made from titanium steel and upcycled repurposed watch movement parts, including the weenie reb rubies.

This steampunk heart necklace will make a fabulous Valentine’s Day gift for your Steampunk heartthrob.

Steampunk Aqua Lazy Heart Pendant by BijouButDeadly.

A gift for your Steampunk Valentine, 2021.

14K Gold Steampunk Double Gear Pendant Necklace.

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