
“Steampunk Old Car” scrap metal sculpture by Guillermo Castillo.

"Steampunk Old Car" scrap metal sculpture by Guillermo Castillo. From Cyberart.
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“Steampunk Old Car” scrap metal sculpture by Guillermo Castillo.

From Cyberart.

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From the artist.

This sculpture is made of scrap metal parts welded with bronze and coated with a lacquer to prevent rust.

Original work by sculptor Guillermo Castillo.

Sourced from Cyberart’s original shop listing. [Read moer.]

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2 responses to ““Steampunk Old Car” scrap metal sculpture by Guillermo Castillo.”

  1. Andrew Antolik Avatar
    Andrew Antolik

    How can I get more information about Guillermo Castillo the sculptor?

    1. Steampunk Stuff Admin Avatar

      We only have the information supplied from the current owner and seller of the piece 🔗👉 https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1114382496/steampunk-old-car

      I have tried researching him but not even but he appeaser to be a very illusive chap.

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