
Alice in Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass Clothbound Education.

Alice in Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass Clothbound Education.
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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass - Penguin Clothbound Classics
Image courtesy of the publisher Penguin Books.

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

Penguin Clothbound Classic.

Written by Lewis Carroll and illustrated by the political cartoonist of the Victorian era, Sir John Tenniel and sold on Waterstones.

Alice and her wakey chums have been around now for over one hundred and fifty five years. This classic children’s story book Has been one of my bedtime favorites since the 1960s. My mother was often heard quoting Alice in the right places.

”No room no room, why? There is plenty of room”, and curiouser and curiouser” are two that spring to mind.

Due to the amount of great madness and absurdity throughout the narattion and the Victorian period it was written and set, along with its original illustrations by an already celebrity artiste makes the two stories favourites amount many Steampunk foke.

You can get your very own clothbound Alice’s Adventure… here on Waterstones.

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One response to “Alice in Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass Clothbound Education.”

  1. […] Alice in Wonderland & Through The Looking Glass Clothbound Education. The Steampunk Tarot (cards & book). Steampunk Solar System Orrery Sculpture. […]

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