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Steampunk Torso Mannequin Sculpture.

Steampunk Torso Jewellery Mannequin Apocalypse Sculpture Metal With Effect.

Created by jacquie-rose.

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Steampunk Torso Jewellery Mannequin Apocalypse Sculpture Metal With Effect by jacquie-rose.
Steampunk Torso Jewellery Mannequin Apocalypse Sculpture Metal With Effect by jacquie-rose.

The one-of-a-kind Steampunk Torso Mannequin Sculpture by jacquie-rose is adorned in metal cogs, gears, screws and other metal stuff. Then it was given a cool-looking metallic paint job. The mannequin is also wearing a leathery-looking steampunk or gothic corset thing.

If you are looking for a standalone art piece for your Steampunk Corner, Couryoisty Shop, Mancave, or another special place, at £49, this piece of Steampunk Artwork appears to be great value for money.

More steampunk and mannequin sculptures from jacquie-rose’s shop.

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