The Steampunk Bionic Woman & Man.

The Steampunk Bionic Woman & Man.
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The Steampunk Bionic Woman & Man Oil Painting Prints. *

By MaxineThirteen.

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The Steampunk Bionic Woman & Man Oil Painting Prints by Maxine Thirteen really ought my eye when researching steampunk art on Etsy, and I thought they would look great if I shared them in a single post.

Both Steampunk Cyborgnetic Bionic-themed official prints of the original oil paintings feature the character (the man or the woman) wearing Victorian-styled clothing and each sporting a steampunk facial bionic cybernetic facial augmentation on one side of the face, including a monocular implant.

These prints would look great on the wall of your special steampunk or gothic place.

Bionic Cyborg Cyberpunk Borg Robot Eye With LED Light.

Steampunk Cyborg Toiletroll Holder.

Mosquito: A Metallic Cyborg Insect.

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