Travelling Without Moving.

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Travelling Without Moving.

A post-apocalyptic, clockpunk, dystopian mystery sci-fi hot fever dream type thing.

By Nathan Jones.

Nathan contacted me via my “Steampunk Stuff” Facebook page and said. “Any chance you’d run an ad? It’s strictly clockpunk, but I figure it’s close enough…?”. And it is!

Well, those who know me know that I don’t have strict ideals of what steampunk is, and the less tight the rules the better for everyone.

This book is well worth the read. In fact, I can’t wait to finish it.

So Here it is.

Travelling Without Moving.
A post-apocalyptic, clockpunk, dystopian mystery sci-fi hot fever dream type thing. By Nathan Jones.

Spurred on by visions of “reality”, Napalm Carton creates a multiplayer game called Tickets, with the intention of opening a door to the next level of existence. 

Earth is in ruins, uninhabitable, and the remaining population live in bio-domes. Napalm, born into the Kaputt bio-dome, believes life in the habitat is a lie. Post-apocalyptic existence makes no sense to him, and all he wants to do is escape.

Synopsis taken from Nathan’s original Amazon listing.

Are you a budding author of anything like Steampunk?

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