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Upcycled Car Parts Steampunk Industrial Style Lamp.

Upcycling is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality, such as artistic or environmental value.

Upcycling. (2022, October 12). In Wikipedia.

Upcycled Car Parts Steampunk Industrial Style Lamp.

By AmorphArtCraft.

Upcycled Car Parts Steampunk Industrial Style Lamp by AmorphArtCraft.
Upcycled Car Parts Steampunk Industrial Style Lamp by AmorphArtCraft.

The Upcycled Vintage Car Parts Steampunk Industrial Style Lamp includes a manometer, Tap/faucet, Gear Chain and Gears, headlamp, a chainsaw carburettor, and the Enamel Shade.

As a unique build from Amorph Art Craft, this Upcycled Industrial Steampunk makes a great piece to light up the corner of your Steampunk or Industrial-themed man cave.

More steampunk and other styled Upcycled Lamps from Amorph Art Craft.

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