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Steampunk Nixie Tube Clock On An AVO Meter.

Steampunk Nixie Tube Clock On An AVO Meter.
This Photo is credited to BespokeMaverick.

Steampunk Nixie Tube Clock On An AVO Meter.

By BespokeMaverick.

A one-of-a-kind clock built from the chassis of a disused AVO meter.

The display of the meter is backlit with colour-selectable LEDs which are changed by the use of a small remote. The backlight for the nixie tubes is also colour-selectable using a stainless steel button on the side of the body. Colour selection for both is completely independent You can choose a colour that harmonises perfectly with your environment, or choose a more vibrant hue to create a bold centrepiece!

There is an option for the meter needle to “pulse” with passing seconds which creates an atmospheric tick evocative of a mechanical timepiece.

Taken from Bespoke Maverick’s original shop listing.

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