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Steampunk Spider Sculpture with Lightbulb Adimun.

The Steampunk Spider with Lightbulb Adimun.

Created by PeteAndVeronicas.

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The Steampunk Spider with Lightbulb Adimun. by PeteAndVeronicas.
The Steampunk Spider with Lightbulb Adimun. by PeteAndVeronicas.

The Steampunk Spider with Lightbulb Adimun by PeteAndVeronicas gets its inspiration from the wolf more spin. Upcycled, this Steampunk Spider Sculpture comprises an array of household/tool shed items, including the light bulb for the steampunk spider rear end and springs wrapped over what could be nut and bolt spider legs.

This sculpture could be “the” one-of-a-kind steampunk sider artwork you are looking for to fit your steampunk-themed man/women cave.

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