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Steampunk Your Wardrobe, Revised Edition.

Sewing and Crafting Projects to Add Flair and Fashion to your Steampunk Wardrobe.

By Calista Taylor.

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Steampunk Your Wardrobe, Revised Edition by Calista Taylor.
A mockup image based on the book “Steampunk Your Wardrobe, Revised Edition by Calista Taylor.”

If you like the idea of creating your own steampunk fashion collection, then look at this excellent book, Steampunk Your Wardrobe, by  Calista Taylor.

“Steampunk Your Wardrobe” is full of tips and run-throughs that will show you how to create a steampunk flair for your wardrobe. And it doesn’t need to be that expensive, as you can utilise clothes and other stuff that you already have or can obtain from charity, thrift and second-hand shops.

Victorian Antique 1890s Couture House Of Rouff Mourning Dress.

Victorian and Renaissance Fashion Portrait of your Family.

Steampunk Victorian dress, Jacket and mermaid tail skirt.

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