
The Ringmaster Costume by Brian Chow Studios.

The Ringmaster Costume by Brian Chow Studios.
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The Ringmaster Costume.

Created by Brian Chow Studios.

Check it out now.

Made to order from high-quality materials, The Ringmaster Costume by Brian Chow Studios guarantees to fit your size. The black Jacket with detachable feathers has tails that come down to the back of your knees. The pants are lined and have an adjustable waistband for comfort.

The Ringmaster costume includes the top tat, red button-down shirt, tux tailed Jacket with matching pants, stared waistcoat vest, stared bow tie with steampunk embellishment, and white gloves.

A non-distressed version of The Ringmaster costume is also optional. The skull mask or similar ones not included with the outfit can be obtained here.

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